
  • Ellsworth Road


    Ellsworth Road is slated for major reconstruction during the summer of 2024.  We will provide updates to the project via this notice on our web site plus will be pushing out information via Facebook, so please follow "LaGrange Town Hall" there.

    1. No Later Than Friday, 14 June: A “Road Construction Beginning…” digital sign will be placed at the intersection of Highway 21 and Ellsworth Rd.

    2. Starting Monday, 17 June:

    · Survey work beginning
    · Work starting on the new Hiawatha Golf Course driveway
    · Work starting on the Elixir thruway that will connect Elixir Rd to Emerald Ave
    · Tree removal on the South side of Ellsworth will begin
    · Erosion control barriers will be installed

    3. Saturday, 29 June, 8-10am at the Town Hall: Public Information Meeting. This will be an opportunity for Town citizens to ask questions of the Gerke project manager, the project engineer, and Town officials.

    4. No Later Than Friday, 5 July: All project signage will be in place.

    5. Monday, 8 July: Ellsworth Rd closed to through traffic and work begins.

    · Gerke is planning on pulverizing the whole road on the 8th/9th and will then start more specific work on the south half for Phase 1 activities.

    PLEASE be aware of these activities and SLOW DOWN to help keep our construction workers safe.

    The project specs can be reviewed via this link:  Project Specs

    The project plans can be reviewed via this link:  Project Plans